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Learning to deal with emergency situations: First aid training for parents
PDF (Português (Brasil))


First aid. Emergency. School health.

How to Cite

MORARES, Estelamares Silva dos Santos; MANDL, Sandra Regina Merlo; SIMÕES, Celia; VEDOVATO, Cleuza Aparecida; BOAVENTURA, Ana Paula; PAULA, Julierme de Almeida. Learning to deal with emergency situations: First aid training for parents. Sínteses: Revista Eletrônica do SimTec, Campinas, SP, n. 6, p. 230–230, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.


The urgent and emergency situations may occur anywhere out of the hospital environment, and it is necessary that first aid be instituted early. For this, the training of people who will perform such service and the availability and functionality of these services at schools and public places are paramount. DEdIC's parents requested this training to clear doubts and learn how to act in an urgency and emergency situation. This work aims to empower DEdIC's parents and caregivers on first aid. Courses with first-aid training were performed with theoretical approach and practical demonstration, with approximate duration of 3 hours, approaching the following contents: Emergency Situation Recognition, assessing consciousness level, requesting help by contacting the emergency medical service, assessing victim and rescuer's position, assessing heart rhythm, rib-cage compressions and use of automated external defibrillators; Other first-aid situations involving falls, injuries and bleeding, fractures, choked victim, seizure, faint, fever, tooth avulsion, nose bleeding, foreign body in eyes and ears, anaphylactic reaction and insect stings, as well as stings from other animals at the school environment. The resource used to perform this moment was multimedia, in addition to ther material resources; adult, child and baby's emergency simulating dummies (LAERDAL)® and Automated External Defibrillator Zoll®. 43 DEdIC parents and caregivers participated. Learn how to perform first aid with theory and practical demonstration provides more safety and peace of mind in the moment of emergency and effective actions.
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Estelamares Silva dos Santos Morares, Sandra Regina Merlo Mandl, Celia Simões, Cleuza Aparecida Vedovato, Ana Paula Boaventura, Julierme de Almeida Paula


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