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O grupo de pais enlutados como proposta de cuidado ao luto familiar
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Grief. Grieved parents. Neonatology.

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RUBIO, Andreza Viviane; SOUZA, Jussara de Lima; PERINA, Elisa Maria; CARVALHO, Fabiana Lima; PETRECA, Priscila de Paula Cardoso; FRESTON, Yolanda Braga; SANCHES, Cristiane Ferreira Mendes. O grupo de pais enlutados como proposta de cuidado ao luto familiar. Sínteses: Revista Eletrônica do SimTec, Campinas, SP, n. 6, p. 156–156, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 may. 2024.


A child&";s death is a phenomenon perceived as a contrary misfortune to nature and end up interrupting family&";s expectations and dreams, producing an intolerable pain, which may worsen the bereavement preparation and influence on its future. According to Freud (1917 [1915]), grief is a psychic work, a natural reaction to natural or imagined losses, which needs a social recognition and a space to express feelings, so that the preparation process can be successful. However, what can be perceived in reality is a silence around these parents&"; pain and loss, since they are prevented from expressing their feeligns. GOAL: Share the experience report from CAISM/UNICAMP palliative care group, which develops an action oriented to the parental grief care for 11 years, through the "Group of Grieving Parents". METHODOLOGY: The group of grieving parents take place at the institution every month, with the participation of the palliative care team (physician, psychologist, physiotherapist, social worker and nurse) and parents who lost their children at the Neonatology unit. RESULTS: it is perceived that the group is an opportunity in which the parents can share their lives, express their feelings, doubts and fantasies regarding their child&";s death, becoming a space for exchange and identification among them, helping them to build meanings and representations that help to prepare what has been lived and the reality of loss. CONCLUSION/DISCUSSION: The group work with grieved parents is still poorly developed in Brazil, and this experience has shown positive and integrating results, which can stimulate the development of therapeutic actions oriented to grief at health institutions.
PDF (Português (Brasil))
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2016 Andreza Viviane Rubio, Jussara de Lima Souza, Elisa Maria Perina, Fabiana Lima Carvalho, Priscila de Paula Cardoso Petreca, Yolanda Braga Freston, Cristiane Ferreira Mendes Sanches


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