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A naive model for the pomeron structure function from diffractive deep inelastic scattering
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Montanha , J. . (2003). A naive model for the pomeron structure function from diffractive deep inelastic scattering . Physicae, 3(1), 19–28.


Deep inelastic electron-proton scattering has been a fundamental tool for the understanding of the partonic structure of hadrons. In recent years new experimental findings in deep inelastic scattering coming from DESY brought a new light into an important domain of hadronic physics, the diffractive interaction of hadrons, dominated by the exchange of a color singlet with the quantum numbers of the vacuum, known as pomeron. Due to its long distance nature, diffractive reactions reside outside the region of perturbative quantum chromodynamics applicability, and therefore lack a proper quantum field theory description. In this article, we present a naive phenomenological model that associates non-perturbative aspects of diffraction with the dynamics of QCD, to describe some experimental data from DESY and to built a simple partonic picture of the pomeron. From the model, we found that the pomeron structure function can be described as dominated by gluons.
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