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Evaluation of the knowledge, attitudes and perception of dentists from Palmas and Gurupi/TO towards the residues generated in the health service


Medical waste disposal
Environment and public health

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EID, Nayene Leocádia Manzutti; MIN, Li Li. Evaluation of the knowledge, attitudes and perception of dentists from Palmas and Gurupi/TO towards the residues generated in the health service. Journal of Innovation and Healthcare Management, Campinas, SP, v. 2, p. 1–16, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/jihm.v2i0.10038. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 feb. 2025.


This study investigated the discard of health service residues produced in dental offices at the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The study discussed the aspects related to the knowledge and attitudes of dentists towards the residues generated in their work environment, as well as their perception on the residues generated in other dental offices. A total of 239 dentists were interviewed, among which 78.2% worked in private offices and had already attended a post-graduation course (68.6%). When evaluated regarding their perception, some dentists stated that they believed that amalgam residues resulting from restorative procedures were wrongly discarded in either common garbage (30.1%) or sewerage (8.8%). Besides, they also believed that residues of sharp objects were occasionally discarded in either common garbage (9.2%) or plastic recipients (14.2%). Most respondents (88.1%) affirmed that they discarded chemical solutions of radiographic processing in the sewerage the and 61.9% stated they believed that the infected garbage was discarded together with the common garbage. It was therefore concluded that, in general, the dentists interviewed were unaware of the correct procedures for the discard of health service residues, since there was both negligence in these practices by many of them and the perception that other clinicians also performed incorrect discard of residues generated in their work environment.


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