The history of the PCP in the Revolution of Carnations
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How to Cite

NOVO, Ângelo. The history of the PCP in the Revolution of Carnations. Crítica Marxista, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 33, p. 149–151, 2011. DOI: 10.53000/cma.v18i33.19329. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


In the history of Portuguese history, this book will be recorded as the work that definitively dispelled one of the most extraordinary and persistent misconceptions of contemporary times: the absurd myth that the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) aimed to seize power through a coup by hand, between the summer and autumn of 1975, having finally tried his luck – and failed, on November 25th of that year. As with many mistakes, this one owed much of its longevity to a certain pact of tacit understanding between the slanderer and the slandered. The Thermidorian right wanted to justify its real anti-worker coup by invoking the bogeyman of an imaginary communist coup. The PCP was interested in maintaining a certain nebulous aura of “Leninist” orthodoxy, which implied, at least, the willingness to face playing, at some point, the card of proletarian insurrection.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


NOVO, Ângelo. A história do PCP na Revolução dos Cravos. Crítica Marxista, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 33, p. 149–151, 2011.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Ângelo Novo


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