Abstractions, between ideology and science
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How to Cite

MORAES, João Quartim de. Abstractions, between ideology and science. Crítica Marxista, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 44, p. 43–56, 2017. DOI: 10.53000/cma.v24i45.19110. Disponível em: https://econtents.bc.unicamp.br/inpec/index.php/cma/article/view/19110. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The opening of Marx’s “Method of the political economy” (1857) offers a paradoxical argument: “It seems to be correct to begin with the real and the concrete, with the real precondition, thus to begin, in economics, with e.g. the population […]. However, on closer examination this proves false”. Should we then start with the ideal and abstract? The analysis of this paradox brings us back to the complex relationship between language, ideology and science, which are historically determined in Marxist theory. The notion of ideological horizon offers a key analytical tool to clarify at least the main aspects of the problem. We then discuss to what extent Althussers’ distinction between three kinds of concepts, according to their function in the “theoretical practice” (raw material, instruments and scientific product), contributes to elucidate the question.

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BARTHELEMY-SAINT-HILAIRE, J. La Politique d’Aristote. Paris: Ladrange (3ª édition, revue et corrigée), 1874.

MARX, Karl. Capital. A Critique of Political Economy. Book One: The Process of Production of Capital. Londres: Lawrence and Wishart, 1887.

MARX, Karl. Einleitung zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie. In: Karl Marx-Friedrich Engels Werke (MEW), Berlim: Dietz Verlag, 1969, v.13.

SCHUMPETER, Joseph. History of Economic Analysis. Londres: George Allen and Unwin, 1954.

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Copyright (c) 2017 João Quartim de Moraes


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